Our Claim To Fame

The Besilu Collection began in 1982, with the acquisition of 6 horses. In 1983 Benjamin Leon Jr. went on to purchase 17 Colombian bred horses from the Dominican Republic. That same year one of those extraordinary horses, La Marquesa de Besilu, went on to become the highest pointed horse in the country in Bella Forma and Classic Fino and was crowned Grand National Champion. At the International show held in Memphis she won Champion with Plebeyo, a well known stallion at the time, placing as the Reserve Champion. The farm continued to develop the Paso Fino breed with 1988 Natonal Champion and Reserve Grand National Champion Stallion Monarca de Besilu. Since then the Besilu Collection program has generated many champions and influential horses, including Profetiza, 1985 & 1986 National Champion and Grand National Reserve Champion plus 1993 Mundial Reserve Grand Champion. Her son Profeta de Besilu, proved himself as 5 time National Champion, 3 time Grand National Champion between 1993-1995, 2000 Reserve Grand National Champion and obtained multiple time Spectrum Champion titles. In 1993, (both son and dam winning in the same year) he achieved the titles of Grand World Champion Stallion and Colombian National Champion. He has been awarded PFHA Top Ten Sire appearing 17 times between 1998 through 2016, of which he placed number one on the list a remarkable seven times. Simbolo de Besilu, a son of Monarca de Besilu, became 3 time Grand National Champion and in 2000 was crowned Colombian National Champion and Grand World Champion. Maraquita de Besilu holds the titles of 2014 Grand National Champion and 2 time Reserve Grand National Champion. Other leading horses from the Besilu Collection include Resorte de Besilu, Profeta Segundo de Besilu, Diva de Besilu, Romeria de Besilu, 2015 National Champion and Grand National Champion Fino Mare in Amateur and Professional Fortuna de Besilu and 5 time Grand National Performance Stallion Zacarias Dos Estirpe. We must also mention Atributo de United, 2010 Fino Futurity National Champion and proven sire.
The evolution of the Paso Fino breed continues with Vivaldi de Besilu. This extraordinary stallion made history when he won Grand National Champion Fino Stallion for the 5th time consecutively (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020), breaking the record of the legendary Capuchino of which had won 4 times consecutively 33 years prior (1984-1987). Vivaldi also boasts a long winning career such as 2014 National Champion 4 year Colt, 2015 Reserve Grand National Champion Stallion, 2020 Spectrum International Hall of Fame and Grand Champion Fino Stallion, along with the prestigious title of 2017 Mundial Fino Stallion and 3rd 2019 Mundial Champion. In 2020 Vivaldi was also the first Paso Fino to have been nominated for the USEF Horse of the Year award. In 2021 he won the title of Confepaso Grand World Champion Stallion. In 2020, Vivaldi was also the first Paso Fino to have been nominated for the USEF Horse of the Year award. Vivaldi was also honored to be the 2022 Breyer Model and Breyerfest Guest Horse. In 2023, Stallion Vivaldi de Besilu made his highly anticipated debut on the esteemed Paso Fino Horse Association’s Top 10 Sires List, marking a significant milestone in his breeding career. Since then, he has continued to gain recognition, steadily advancing in the rankings and solidifying his reputation as a leading sire in the Paso Fino world.
Prestigio de la Querencia is proving himself to be a forthcoming sire with his son Poeta de La Querencia as 2018 Grand Champion Fino Gelding, Grandioso de Besilu as 2022 Reserve National Champion Fino Stallion and many other offspring in Colombia and USA becoming champions. Flor Sabanera de Potrero Chico, 2017 National and Grand National Champion Amateur Mare plus Jordana de Besilu, and Soñadora de Yerbabuena are quickly becoming show ring stars. The Talented Fabulosa de Besilu also taking the show ring by storm as she won 2020 1st Place Spectrum 3yr Fino Filly, National Champion 3yr Fino Filly and Reserve Grand National Champion in just her first year of competition and in 2021 she won first in her class, Grand Reserve World Champion at the Confepaso Mundial and most recently she won 2022 Grand National Champion Fino Mare.
Our projects are larger than our trophies and titles. We are constantly striving to further improve the quality of the Paso Fino breed in order to achieve the ultimate modern Paso Fino horse, by introducing conformation, power, athleticism, speed, nobility and naturalness in the Paso Fino Gait.